vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Child Beauty Pageants: What an irrational way to raise our children... Babies are not Barbies.

We are lost in a game of contrast. While there are over 850 millions of people who are actually suffering of malnutrition on the planet, billion of dollards are spent on esthetic cares.

Wow... Do you want me to repeat or it is already too cruel and too shocking ?
Well, check yourself the contrast of these pictures.


Offensive, horrifying ? This is the esthetic capitalism. Now, let me introduce you the child beauty pageants.

According to Robyn Urback, it is «a sort of spray-tanned parallel universe where in little girls parade across stages to win their mothers a vicarious sense of approval». In other words, it is a sexualised beauty competition for young girls. I personnaly think that it is one of the worst non-violent ideas of History. It is completely irrational and chocking to have those kinds of competition when humanity have so many issues, that are way more important .


This idea praises the priority  given to children apparences rather than their academic success, physical activities and psychological health. It is awful and immoral. Rather than showing their kids to read novels, learn a new language, geography or ways to cook healthy meals, some occidental parents want their kids to loose their childhood time in a stressful and fake world, where only outside beauty counts.
Those parents are showing and inculpating baseless values and this really contaminating our society. These values attach more importance to what is outside and on our head than what's in it. Without knowing it, they are raising their kids in an hidden slavery of a world of appearance. Young participants of child beauty pageants are becoming prisonners of their parents ego and they are naively and fasly understanding that individual interests are priority.

We need to choose our priority because those youngsters will eventually become adults and they will constitute the society of tomorrow. With knowing that, let's form them with the best values feasible. Ideologies that favour individual life without going against collective interests.
As a man, I feel that woman beauty is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. But women are pretty, lovely and attractive in the way they are: sweet, gentle, charming, active and energetic. They don't need to try to comply theirselves in a mould of perfect looking and ideal appearances.
In addition, personnal beauty should not turn into a competition between several people, we need to perceive our physical différences as an attractive feature of ourself and as an advantage. The goal shouldn't be to look prettier than another because our nose is smaller and our buttocks are rounder. It should turn into perceiving our differences and see that we are pretty as a respectful society.

In a political way, a few countries such as France have the same thoughts as me on the subject. Indeed, France’s Senate voted to ban beauty pageants for children on the grounds that it represents the too-early sexualisation of children. I'm amaze by this rational and logical politic. I've only shown you the bad aspects about child beauty pageants, but do they even have some some advantage for the kids ? Visibility ? I think that it pleases more the parents than the young and credulous participants. According to Kelly Wallace from CNN, « pageant supporters say girls develop self-esteem, confidence and other skills that last a lifetime». I admit it, it grows your personnal self-esteem, but it also brings all the bad features that I mentionned earlier. In my opinion, Quebec shouldn't allow participants under the age of 14 in those immoral competitions. It could be allowed to people old enough to make their right choices and old enough so they could had a good and rational education.
There are so many ways to help the growth our kids self-esteem and confidence such as studying at school and practicing sports, wich are all better than beauty contests. Let's find together other ways to raise and entertain our children with ways that will show them the priority of right values, values for the good of all.

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