vendredi 13 septembre 2013

You are free to choose your path, but be aware of health issues !

Do you remember the conversation you had with your father on a chilly wednesday of december evening, the night he told you that he once smoked weed when he was younger.Personnaly, I couldn't get it ! At that time, I was 12 years old and the word POT meant some evil things to me. The drug education my parents tought me has been very conservative and strict: «You must never try to smoke weed.»
They wanted me to turn into a clever man so I respect them for that, but to scare me that smoking pot can turn you into a exhausted zombie on a couch, well they were right ! With the fact that, in our actual times, you can find weed everywhere at every moment of the day, it's quite easy to turn into an addict. This being said, I'm not the only person that thinks that way: «Montreal researchers say they’ve found evidence that pot-smoking interferes with the healthy development of teens’ brains and puts them at risk for developing a dependence to the drug, as well as for mental health problems». Human society has found some relevant scientist proof showing that weed is an ennemy of our brain's caoacity, even if you don't want it to be.
Pot smokers don't get addict to the weed, they get addict to the routine they adopt progressivly. One teenage boy will smoke once a month and there won't be any issues about it. But when it grows and progress to inhaling cannabis once a day, now there is a problem. Scientists will tell you that cannabis isn't good for our brains , but how does it work ? Here are some New-Zealand research results about it: «Adolescents who smoked marijuana at least four times a week, lost an average of 8 IQ points between the ages of 13 and 38.»

We cannot afford the health issues about smoking pot, espicially for the youth. There are even studies that will tell that you can have mental health issues even for infrequent smokers: «One study of 46,000 Swedish soldiers found that even infrequent pot smokers were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as non-smokers; regular users were six times as likely.»
If the governement was to legalize the marijuana, can you imagine the presence of those drugs in our community elementery schools ? Students would be in a complete freedom  situation of smoking in High School outside yards, they wouldn't be as focus on their studies as if they were sober and results could go in the same way. These are only my reflexions but my opinion is looking toward to build healthy, clever, wealthy and energetic future generations that know how to have fun without only use marijuana as the lonely solution.
This being said, I firmly think that weed must stay illegal to protect our child brains and to help them grow into intellectual and physical well developped adults. There are no problems with smoking weed once, but be aware of the health issues that goes with it.

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